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Mailing List Sign-up

Please join our mailing list. We will send out e-mail announcements of general OAC news and events and also special news of interest to you, based on the categories you select below.

If you currently receive Ohio Arts Council mailings and need to update your information please email the webmaster and include your current name, email and mailing address and any updated information. If you would like to begin receiving OAC information via email please also indicate that in your email message.

A * denotes required information
General Details
* Record Category:
* Organization or Individual:
* Desired Mailing List:
* Arts Category:
For Arts Category, if you have several major disciplines indicate the primary one.
If none of them is primary, select "Multi-Disciplinary"
Contact Information
* First name:
* Last name:
* Address1:
* City:
* State:
* Zip:
* E-mail address:
Home Phone:
Business Phone:
Type of Information Desired
Please check all items you would like to receive information about.
Note: Information is not regularly published in all areas.
Appalachian Arts
Arts Advocacy
Arts in Education
Arts Management and Trusteeship
Community Development Initiative
Ethnic and Minority Arts
How to Apply for Funding
Individual Artist Grants
Ohio Online Visual Arts Registry
Opportunities for Public Arts Commission
Funding for People with Disabilities
Performing Arts on Tour
Riffe Gallery Exhibition Announcements
Traditional Arts
The Ohio Arts Council is working to reduce agency postage costs.
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including the bimonthly ArtsOhio newsletter, via email.
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